• unwashed panels produce up to 40% less energy
• 8-14% annual loss can be avoided
• quality and professional work
• increase in PV output by up to 8 % - 40 %
The nanosunservice project is part of nanosun s.r.o., which focuses primarily on the distribution and wholesale of solar panels and components for photovoltaics.
The customer is always our first priority and we want to ensure his or her satisfaction through an individual approach, perfectly done work and the best possible technology.
Our services use the most modern and environmentally friendly technologies, both for the panels themselves and for the environment.
Every photovoltaic power plant needs maintenance. The typical annual loss of a solar power plant without panel surface maintenance is 8-14%!
In places with high dust levels, for example near homes with solid fuel heating, in fields where pollen and other polluting particles are present in the air, the power loss of a photovoltaic power plant due to module pollution can reach up to 40% in just a few years!
In short, clean panels mean significantly more savings for you. So there is no doubt about the need to clean the surface of the panels of your photovoltaic power source. It is important to note that it is not very difficult to prevent losses due to pollution.
Cleaning with demineralised water
using a high-speed brush
Cleaning with demineralised water using
a solar surface maintenance robot
Professional manual cleaning of solar panel surfaces using the latest German Cleantecs SOLA-TECS technology
For power plants with a slope of up to 30°, cleaning is carried out by the SolarCleano F1 robot
The power plant has no water connection
Water will be imported in IBC tanks from the nearest source
There is no electricity connection (230V) at the power plant
We have our own power generator
The gaps between the panels are too narrow for a car to pass
We have up to 300 m long hoses
The roof on which the power plant is located is not walk-on
The panels are cleaned using safety harness from the gable or from aerial platform
We check the strength of the fixing of the panels
We will check the operation of the inverters
We detect breakage or other damage
We will notify the plant owner of any defects found
In the summer months we mow the grass with a Spider mulching mower and finish it with a brush cutter
Defects and possible deterioration of the solar panels
Power loss due to different capacities of individual modules
Energy short circuits in solar panels
Unconnected modules
Modules without power
Faulty contact between the conductive band and the solar panel
Defective bypass diodes
nanosun service s.r.o.
Karolinská 708/13,
186 00 Praha 8 - Karlín
IČ: 62243705
DIČ: CZ699006507
+420 608 092 825